Bringing ‘Made In Pakistan’
To The World

Helping manufacturers in increasing their exports to the United States of America, Canada, European Union, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Middle East, Mexico & Africa.

Bringing ‘Made In Pakistan’ To The World

We are a champion of “Made in Pakistan”; with the goal to increase trust and confidence in Pakistani products. Pakistan has a lot to offer – from clothes to medical instruments – we make it all. Now it is high time to sell across borders and let the whole world explore our amazing industries.

Our Industries

We help export goods from the following (not-limited-to) industries:













Our Mission

Global export industry is rapidly evolving. Amid new laws, system digitization, and fierce competition, it requires technologically adept solutions to thrive in the scene; and we’re on a mission to deliver that. Our mission encompasses the provision of export solutions, step-by-step facilitation, and strengthening the economy to make Pakistan a developed nation in the near future.

Our Mission
Develop MSMEs

Develop MSMEs

We are teaming up with micro, small and medium manufacturers to help export their unique products to the world. Apart from providing export and selling solutions, we educate them about industry trends, global market demands, and work laws so they can elevate their work process to the standard level. It is our goal to make MSEs claim their share in the global export market.

Bring Prosperity

Through our services, our nation will witness long-term prosperity. Manufacturers will get a chance to sell abroad, industries will flourish, business opportunities will surface and there’s more on the list. The key takeaway is that increasing exports will positively impact our country and EDBP is here to work for it.

Bring Prosperity
Create Jobs

Create Jobs

With increased exports in a country, there will be a great demand for manufacturing goods in factories and industries. To meet the supply requirements and keep the operations running, more job opportunities will be developed increasing the employment rate in the country.

Stimulate Economic Growth

When a country is exporting a huge amount of goods to foreign nations, it equates to the increased flow of funds and stimulates economic growth. Companies and manufacturers generate profits off of the exports, increase their operations to meet ever-growing demands, and hence contribute to improving economic condition.

Stimulate Economic Growth
Create Jobs

Increase GDP

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is used to measure a country’s overall economic activity. Exports are a significant component that directly affects the GDP. Increasing the export rate increases the GDP and the exchange rate, and hence brings stability to the economic situation.