Amazon and Shopify are undeniably the two behemoths of the ecommerce world. Being powerful platforms and providing endless growth opportunities to the sellers, they have created many successful ecommerce stories. Due to their differences and all-time rivalry, they’re treated as competitors to one another. But in the ongoing year, we’ve arrived at the pivotal moment of Amazon-Shopify integration, and the progressive development is being welcomed in many paradigms.

It dates back to September 2015, when the pilot plan marked the onset of the Amazon Shopify Integration. Fast forward 5 years and the long-awaited integration has now become a reality as the world’s biggest eCommerce giant can now connect Shopify’s large merchant base to the millions of Amazon customers. The incredible integration has allowed ecommerce merchants across the world to increase sales by exploring the novel segment of audiences.

In this blog, we’ll talk about how this has benefitted the sellers and what result-focused method you can apply to leverage seamless transition.

What Benefits You’ll Gain By Selling On Amazon With Shopify?

  • If you want to implement a multi-channel approach for your business – this is where it begins. How? You can add Amazon as a separate sales channel, start creating new Amazon listings with the available products and there are more benefits that bring you the needed convenience.
  • The integration feature enables you to fulfill orders directly from the admin panel of Shopify – like no hassle at all!
  • Your available inventory can be synced with all the active sales channels. In this way, you’ll get to have complete insight into your business performance, keep a check on the shipping costs across the multiple channels and you can also see the screenshots of your top SKUs
  • You can regulate your revenue from Amazon Sales all with the help of the Shopify report

A Brief Guide To Implement Amazon Shopify Integration

Here’s the simple and easy guide to help you implement the integration without any errors and difficulties

Get started – Connect Your Shopify Store With Amazon

Before riding the bandwagon and start selling on Amazon, please read the following requirements and make sure your Shopify store meets all of them

  • Your Shopify account must be active
  • Your store must have prices in the USD and not in any other currency
  • Please note that you shouldn’t be using Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) for shipping

Got all things right? That’s great, follow the next steps

Add Amazon As Your Sales Channel

Go to your Shopify account and open the sidebar, click the plus sign next to the option of the “Sales Channel” and you’ll see Amazon here. Press the “add” button to confirm it.

Get Registered As The Professional Seller

To be able to sell on Amazon with Shopify, you’re required to register as a Professional Seller and upgrade to the Amazon Seller Central account.

Apply For Your Category Approval

After creating your professional account, you need to receive approval from Amazon that all your products fit the categories and do not violate any of the Amazon rules and regulations

Create Amazon Listings For Products

You can simply create Amazon listings from Shopify, all you need to do is to click on Amazon in your sales channel section and then on the option of ‘create listing’. Then select all the products you want to create a listing for.

Claim Your All Amazon Listings In Your Existing Shopify Store

In case if you’re already making sales in your Amazon account, you can add all your existing Amazon listings to your Shopify store. All the listings from your Professional Seller’s Account will be visible from your Amazon listings page in the Shopify

Settle Your Inventory Tracking Policy

Either you can use your store’s inventory settings for each Amazon listing you have, or you can choose by default, manual settings of your Amazon inventory.

Start Selling On Amazon

Congratulations, you’re all set to start selling on Amazon with Shopify, explore new audiences and generate a massive number of sales. Good luck in your ecommerce journey!